Lotka Volterra fishing problem (APMonitor)

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This page contains a solution of the MIOCP Lotka Volterra fishing problem in APMonitor Python format. A MATLAB version is also available from the Dynamic Optimization Course as Example 3 (lotka_volterra_fishing.zip).


The model in Python code for a fixed control discretization grid using orthogonal collocation and a simultaneous optimization method. The APMonitor package is available with pip install APMonitor or from the APMonitor Python Github repository.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# retrieve apm.py from
# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/APMonitor/apm_python/master/apm.py
# or
# http://apmonitor.com/wiki/index.php/Main/PythonApp
# from apm import *
# pip install with 'pip install APMonitor'
from APMonitor.apm import *
# local APMonitor servers are available for Windows or Linux
# http://apmonitor.com/wiki/index.php/Main/APMonitorServer
# with clients in Python, MATLAB, and Julia
# write model
model = '''
! apopt MINLP solver options (see apopt.com)
File apopt.opt
 minlp_maximum_iterations 1000     ! minlp iterations
 minlp_max_iter_with_int_sol 50    ! minlp iterations if integer solution is found
 minlp_as_nlp 0                    ! treat minlp as nlp
 nlp_maximum_iterations 200        ! nlp sub-problem max iterations
 minlp_branch_method 1             ! 1 = depth first, 2 = breadth first
 minlp_gap_tol 0.001               ! covergence tolerance
 minlp_integer_tol 0.001           ! maximum deviation from whole number to be considered an integer
 minlp_integer_leaves 0            ! create soft (1) integer leaves or hard (2) integer leaves with branching  
End File
  c0 = 0.4 
  c1 = 0.2
  x0 = 0.5 , >= 0
  x1 = 0.7 , >= 0
  x2 = 0.0 , >= 0
  int_w = 0 , >= 0 , <= 1
  w = int_w
  minimize last * x2
  $x0 = x0 - x0*x1 - c0*x0*w 
  $x1 = - x1 + x0*x1 - c1*x1*w
  $x2 = (x0-1)^2 + (x1-1)^2                                                                                       
fid = open('lotka_volterra.apm','w')
# write data file
time = np.linspace(0,12,121)
time = np.insert(time, 1, 0.01)
last = np.zeros(122)
last[-1] = 1.0
data = np.vstack((time,last))
# specify server and application name
s = 'http://byu.apmonitor.com'
#s = ''  # for local APMonitor server
a = 'lotka'
apm(s,a,'clear all')
apm_option(s,a,'nlc.imode',6)              # Nonlinear control / dynamic optimization
apm_info(s,a,'MV','int_w')                 # M or MV = Manipulated variable - independent variable over time horizon
apm_option(s,a,'int_w.status',1)           # Status: 1=ON, 0=OFF
apm_option(s,a,'int_w.mv_type',0)          # MV Type = Zero Order Hold
apm_option(s,a,'nlc.solver',1)             # 1 = APOPT
# solve
output = apm(s,a,'solve')            
# retrieve solution
y = apm_sol(s,a)
plt.step(y['time'],y['int_w'],'r-',label='w (0/1)')

Results with APOPT (MINLP)

An MINLP solution is calculated with [1] with an objective function value of x_2(t_f) = 1.36. APOPT requires 52 NLP solutions to find an integer solution (111.0 seconds of processing time).

Volterra fishing APMonitor.png

 APMonitor, Version 0.7.9
 APMonitor Optimization Suite
 --------- APM Model Size ------------
 Each time step contains
   Objects      :            0
   Constants    :            2
   Variables    :            5
   Intermediates:            1
   Connections  :            0
   Equations    :            5
   Residuals    :            4
 Number of state variables:           2178
 Number of total equations: -         2057
 Number of slack variables: -            0
 Degrees of freedom       :            121
 Dynamic Control with APOPT Solver
Iter:     1 I:  0 Tm:     12.99 NLPi:   93 Dpth:    0 Lvs:    2 Obj:  1.34E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:     2 I:  0 Tm:      2.82 NLPi:   18 Dpth:    1 Lvs:    3 Obj:  1.34E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:     3 I:  0 Tm:      3.39 NLPi:   30 Dpth:    2 Lvs:    4 Obj:  1.34E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:     4 I:  0 Tm:     10.37 NLPi:  131 Dpth:    3 Lvs:    5 Obj:  1.34E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:     5 I:  0 Tm:      1.81 NLPi:   10 Dpth:    4 Lvs:    6 Obj:  1.34E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:     6 I:  0 Tm:      7.93 NLPi:  102 Dpth:    5 Lvs:    7 Obj:  1.34E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:     7 I:  0 Tm:      3.22 NLPi:   28 Dpth:    6 Lvs:    8 Obj:  1.34E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:     8 I:  0 Tm:      1.85 NLPi:   12 Dpth:    7 Lvs:    9 Obj:  1.34E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:     9 I:  0 Tm:     10.24 NLPi:  140 Dpth:    8 Lvs:   10 Obj:  1.34E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    10 I:  0 Tm:      2.04 NLPi:    9 Dpth:    9 Lvs:   11 Obj:  1.35E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    11 I:  0 Tm:      6.50 NLPi:   86 Dpth:   10 Lvs:   12 Obj:  1.35E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    12 I:  0 Tm:      1.94 NLPi:   17 Dpth:   11 Lvs:   13 Obj:  1.35E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    13 I:  0 Tm:      2.17 NLPi:   18 Dpth:   12 Lvs:   14 Obj:  1.35E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    14 I:  0 Tm:      3.56 NLPi:   44 Dpth:   13 Lvs:   15 Obj:  1.35E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    15 I:  0 Tm:      2.34 NLPi:   23 Dpth:   14 Lvs:   16 Obj:  1.35E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    16 I:  0 Tm:      2.46 NLPi:   26 Dpth:   15 Lvs:   17 Obj:  1.35E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    17 I:  0 Tm:      2.72 NLPi:   26 Dpth:   16 Lvs:   18 Obj:  1.35E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    18 I:  0 Tm:      3.99 NLPi:   60 Dpth:   17 Lvs:   19 Obj:  1.35E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    19 I:  0 Tm:      1.91 NLPi:   10 Dpth:   18 Lvs:   20 Obj:  1.35E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    20 I:  0 Tm:      1.23 NLPi:    7 Dpth:   19 Lvs:   21 Obj:  1.35E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    21 I:  0 Tm:      1.37 NLPi:    8 Dpth:   20 Lvs:   22 Obj:  1.35E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    22 I:  0 Tm:      1.37 NLPi:   12 Dpth:   21 Lvs:   23 Obj:  1.35E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    23 I:  0 Tm:      1.34 NLPi:   11 Dpth:   22 Lvs:   24 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    24 I:  0 Tm:      1.30 NLPi:    8 Dpth:   23 Lvs:   25 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    25 I:  0 Tm:      1.33 NLPi:   14 Dpth:   24 Lvs:   26 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    26 I:  0 Tm:      1.13 NLPi:    7 Dpth:   25 Lvs:   27 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    27 I:  0 Tm:      0.97 NLPi:    7 Dpth:   26 Lvs:   28 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    28 I:  0 Tm:      0.99 NLPi:    6 Dpth:   27 Lvs:   29 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    29 I:  0 Tm:      0.93 NLPi:    6 Dpth:   28 Lvs:   30 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    30 I:  0 Tm:      0.66 NLPi:    5 Dpth:   29 Lvs:   31 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    31 I:  0 Tm:      0.73 NLPi:    5 Dpth:   30 Lvs:   32 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    32 I:  0 Tm:      0.66 NLPi:    5 Dpth:   31 Lvs:   33 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    33 I:  0 Tm:      0.70 NLPi:    5 Dpth:   32 Lvs:   34 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    34 I:  0 Tm:      0.67 NLPi:    5 Dpth:   33 Lvs:   35 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    35 I:  0 Tm:      0.82 NLPi:    9 Dpth:   34 Lvs:   36 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    36 I:  0 Tm:      0.77 NLPi:    8 Dpth:   35 Lvs:   37 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    37 I:  0 Tm:      0.75 NLPi:    8 Dpth:   36 Lvs:   38 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    38 I:  0 Tm:      0.69 NLPi:    6 Dpth:   37 Lvs:   39 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    39 I:  0 Tm:      0.71 NLPi:    6 Dpth:   38 Lvs:   40 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    40 I:  0 Tm:      0.81 NLPi:    9 Dpth:   39 Lvs:   41 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    41 I:  0 Tm:      0.70 NLPi:    8 Dpth:   40 Lvs:   42 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    42 I:  0 Tm:      0.69 NLPi:    6 Dpth:   41 Lvs:   43 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    43 I:  0 Tm:      0.67 NLPi:    5 Dpth:   42 Lvs:   44 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    44 I:  0 Tm:      0.60 NLPi:    4 Dpth:   43 Lvs:   45 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    45 I:  0 Tm:      0.71 NLPi:    6 Dpth:   44 Lvs:   46 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    46 I:  0 Tm:      0.59 NLPi:    4 Dpth:   45 Lvs:   47 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    47 I:  0 Tm:      0.69 NLPi:    6 Dpth:   46 Lvs:   48 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
Iter:    48 I:  0 Tm:      0.65 NLPi:    5 Dpth:   47 Lvs:   49 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:       NaN
--Integer Solution:   1.36E+00 Lowest Leaf:   1.34E+00 Gap:   1.35E-02
Iter:    49 I:  0 Tm:      0.57 NLPi:    3 Dpth:   48 Lvs:   48 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:  1.35E-02
Iter:    50 I:  0 Tm:      1.29 NLPi:    8 Dpth:   48 Lvs:   47 Obj:  1.36E+00 Gap:  1.35E-02
 Warning: best integer solution returned after maximum MINLP iterations
 Adjust minlp_max_iter_with_int_sol           50  in apopt.opt to change limit
 Successful solution
 Solver         :  APOPT (v1.0)
 Solution time  :    111.364099999999      sec
 Objective      :    1.36258198934523     
 Successful solution