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Car testdrive (lane change manoeuvre)
State dimension: 1
Differential states: 7
Continuous control functions: 3
Discrete control functions: 1
Interior point equalities: 7

The mathematical equations form a small-scale ODE model.

Mathematical formulation

For t \in [t_0, t_f] almost everywhere the mixed-integer optimal control problem is given by

 \displaystyle \min_{x, w} & t_f   \\[1.5ex]
 \mbox{s.t.} & \dot{x}(t) & = & f( x(t), u(t), \mu(t)), \\
 & x(0) &=& x_0, \\
 & \mu(t) &\in&  \{1, 2, 3, 4, 5\}.


These fixed values are used within the model.

Parameter & Value & Unit & Description \\
		m            & 1.239\cdot 10^3     & \text{kg}                    & Mass of the car  \\
		g            & 9.81                & \frac{\text{m}}{\text{s}^2}  & Gravity constant \\
		l_\text{f}   & 1.19016             & \text{m}                     & Front wheel distance to center of gravity \\
		l_\text{r}   & 1.37484             & \text{m}                     & Rear wheel distance to center of gravity \\
		e_\text{SP}  & 0.5                 & \text{m}                     & Drag mount point distance to center of gravity \\
		R            & 0.302               & \text{m}                     & Wheel radius \\
		I_\text{zz}  & 1.752\cdot 10^3     & \text{kg m}^2                & Moment of inertia \\
		c_\text{w}   & 0.3                 & --                             & Air drag coefficient \\
		\rho         & 1.249512            & \frac{\text{kg}}{\text{m}^3} & Air density \\ 
		A            & 1.4378946874        & \text{m}^2                   & Effective flow surface \\
		i^1_\text{g} & 3.09                & --                             & Transmission ratio of first gear \\
		i^2_\text{g} & 2.002               & --                             & Transmission ratio of second gear \\
		i^3_\text{g} & 1.33                & --                             & Transmission ratio of third gear \\
		i^4_\text{g} & 1.0                 & --                             & Transmission ratio of fourth gear \\
		i^5_\text{g} & 0.805               & --                             & Transmission ratio of fifth gear \\
		i_\text{t}   & 3.91                & --                             & Engine torque transmission ratio \\
		B_\text{f}   & 1.096\cdot 10^1     & --                             & Pacejka coefficients (stiffness) \\
		B_\text{r}   & 1.267\cdot 10^1     & --                             & \\
		C_\text{f}   & 1.3                 & --                             & Pacejka coefficients (shape) \\
		C_\text{r}   & 1.3                 & --                             & \\
		D_\text{f}   & 4.5604\cdot 10^3    & --                             & Pacejka coefficients (peak) \\
		D_\text{r}   & 3.94781\cdot 10^3   & --                             & \\
		E_\text{f}   & -0.5                & --                             & Pacejka coefficients (curvature) \\
		E_\text{r}   & -0.5                & --                             & \\

Reference Solutions

Reference solutions for the case of a fixed time-grid are given in <bibref>Gerdts2005</bibref>. Solutions for a non-fixed time grid are given in <bibref>Gerdts2006</bibref>.

Source Code



See testdrive overview page.