Goddart's rocket problem

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In Goddart's rocket problem we model the ascent (vertical; restricted to 1 dimension) of a rocket. The aim is to reach a certain altitude with minimal fuel consumption. It is equivalent to maximize the mass at the final altitude.


The state variables r,v,m describe the altitude(radius), speed and mass.

The drag is given by

D(r,v):= Av^2 \rho(r)\text{, with }\rho(r):= exp(-k\cdot (r-r_0)).
All units are renormalized.

Mathematical formulation

 \displaystyle \min_{m,r,v,u,T} &  -m(T)\\[1.5ex]
 \mbox{s.t.} & \dot{r}(t) & = & v, \\
 & \dot{v}(t) & = & -\frac{1}{r(t)^2} + \frac{1}{m(t)} (T_{max}u(t)-D(r,v)) \\[1.5ex]
& \dot{m}(t) & = & -b T_{max} u(t), \\
& u(t) &\in& [0,1] \\
 & r(0) &=& r_0, \\
 & v(0) &=& v_0, \\
 & m(0) &=& m_0, \\
 & r(T) &=& r_T, \\
 & D(r(t),v(t))&\le& C \\
& T free


r_0 &=& 1  \\
v_0 &=& 0  \\
m_0 &=& 1  \\
r_T &=& 1.01 \\
b &=& 7 \\
T_{max} &=& 3.5 \\
A &=& 310 \\
k &=& 500 \\
C &=& 0.6

Reference Solution

The following reference solution was generated using BOCOP. The optimal value of the objective function is -0.63389.


The Problem can be found in the BOCOP User Guide.