Lotka Volterra fishing problem (Muscod)

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The differential equations for the Lotka Volterra fishing problem in Muscod code read as follows

/* steady state with u == 0 */
double ref0 = 1, ref1 = 1;
/* Biomass of prey */
rhs[0] =   xd[0] - xd[0]*xd[1] - p[0]*u[0]*xd[0];
/* Biomass of predator */
rhs[1] = - xd[1] + xd[0]*xd[1] - p[1]*u[0]*xd[1];
/* Deviation from reference trajectory */
rhs[2] = (xd[0]-ref0)*(xd[0]-ref0) + (xd[1]-ref1)*(xd[1]-ref1);