Category:Problem characterization
This is a super-category of all problem description categories, i.e., it lists all subcategories that have been defined so far. Note that the category Category:MIOCP contains a list of all mixed-integer optimal control problems defined on these pages so far. The following graph shows the organization of categories on
<graphviz border='frame' format='png'> digraph G { rankdir=LR; node [shape=plaintext]; Chattering [URL="index.php/Category:Chattering"];
"Problem characterization"->"AMPL" "Problem characterization"->"Application" "Problem characterization"->"Model characterization" "Problem characterization"->"Objective characterization" "Problem characterization"->"Solution characterization"
"Solution characterization" -> Chattering "Solution characterization" -> "Bang bang"
"Model characterization" -> "DAE model" "Model characterization" -> "ODE model" "Model characterization" -> "PDE model" "Model characterization" -> "State dependent switches" "Model characterization" -> "Unstable"
"Objective characterization" -> "Minimum time" "Objective characterization" -> "Periodic" "Objective characterization" -> "Tracking objective"
Application -> "Aeronautics" Application -> "Chemical engineering" Application -> "Population dynamics" Application -> "Systems biology" Application -> Transport
} </graphviz>
This categorization is yet incomplete and extended whenever new problems are added to the database that do not fit in this scheme.
This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.