Source Inversion (FEniCS/Casadi)
From mintOC
Revision as of 18:38, 12 January 2016 by MirkoHahn (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "This page contains a discretized version of the mixed integer PDE constrained optimization problem Source Inversion in [ CasADi 2.4.3] format. The wea...")
This page contains a discretized version of the mixed integer PDE constrained optimization problem Source Inversion in CasADi 2.4.3 format. The weak version of the problem was discretized using finite element methods (via FEniCS) using first-degree Lagrangian elements on an equidistant mesh with cells.
from dolfin import * import math import numpy import scipy, scipy.sparse import casadi # Simple Branch and Bound solver def solve_bnb(solver, root, integers): # Initialize the node queue Q = [(numpy.inf, root)] # Global solution data x_opt = None f_opt = numpy.inf # Continuous solution data x0 = None f0 = numpy.inf # Main loop seqnum = 0 while Q: seqnum += 1 # Extract node with lowest lower bound and check if fathoming is necessary # (should not happen) node = Q.pop() if f_opt < numpy.inf and node[0] >= f_opt: print "Node %4d (%4d left): %9g >= %9g - PRE-FATHOM" % (seqnum, len(Q), node[0], f_opt) continue node = node[1] # Solve the node result = solver(node) # Local solution data x = result['x'] f = result['f'].get()[0] # Store continuous solution data if none has been stored yet if x0 is None: x0 = casadi.DMatrix(x) f0 = f # Check if branch can be fathomed if f >= f_opt: print "Node %4d (%4d left): %9g >= %9g - POST-FATHOM" % (seqnum, len(Q), f, f_opt) continue # Check for violations of integrality (fixed tolerance 1e-5) viol = [abs(casadi.floor(x[i] + 0.5) - x[i]) for i in integers] idx = [(integers[i], viol[i]) for i in range(len(integers)) if viol[i] > 1e-5] if not idx: # Register new global solution x_opt = x f_opt = f # Cull the branch and bound tree pre = len(Q) Q = [n for n in Q if n[0] < f_opt] post = len(Q) print "Node %4d (%4d left): f_opt = %9g - *** SOLUTION *** (%d culled)" % (seqnum, len(Q), f, pre - post) else: # Branch on first violation idx = idx[0][0] # Generate two new nodes (could reuse node structure) ln = { 'x0': casadi.DMatrix(x), 'lbx': node['lbx'], 'ubx': casadi.DMatrix(node['ubx']), 'lbg': node['lbg'], 'ubg': node['ubg'], 'lam_x0': casadi.DMatrix(result['lam_x']), 'lam_g0': casadi.DMatrix(result['lam_g']) } un = { 'x0': casadi.DMatrix(x), 'lbx': casadi.DMatrix(node['lbx']), 'ubx': node['ubx'], 'lbg': node['lbg'], 'ubg': node['ubg'], 'lam_x0': casadi.DMatrix(result['lam_x']), 'lam_g0': casadi.DMatrix(result['lam_g']) } ln['ubx'][idx] = casadi.floor(x[idx]) un['lbx'][idx] = casadi.ceil(x[idx]) lower_node = (f, ln) upper_node = (f, un) # Insert new nodes in queue (inefficient for large queues) Q.extend([lower_node, upper_node]) Q.sort(cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(y[0], x[0])) print "Node %4d (%4d left): %9g - BRANCH ON %d" % (seqnum, len(Q), f, idx) return { 'x0': x0, 'f0': f0, 'x': x_opt, 'f': f_opt } # Converts FEniCS matrix to scipy.sparse.coo_matrix def matrix_to_coo(A, shape=None): nnz = A.nnz() col = numpy.empty(nnz, dtype='uint64') row = numpy.empty(nnz, dtype='uint64') val = numpy.empty(nnz) if shape is None: shape = (A.size(0), A.size(1)) it = 0 for i in range(A.size(0)): col_local, val_local = A.getrow(i) nnz_local = col_local.shape[0] col[it:it+nnz_local] = col_local[:] row[it:it+nnz_local] = i val[it:it+nnz_local] = val_local[:] it += nnz_local return scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((val, (row, col)), shape=shape) # Returns FEniCS expression for elementary source term def source_term(x0): return Expression("100.0 * exp(-pow(x[0] - x0, 2) / 0.02)", x0=x0) # Grid resolutions nx = 128 nu = 8 # Generate mesh and function space mesh = UnitIntervalMesh(nx) V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1) # Define the bilinear form and assemble it u = TrialFunction(V) v = TestFunction(V) a = inner(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx + u * v * ds A = assemble(a) # Create the linear form for the exact source term and perform assembly f = source_term(3.0 / math.pi) + source_term(0.5) L = f * v * dx b = assemble(L) # Solve for the reference solution u_ref = Function(V) solve(A, u_ref.vector(), b) # Define the control grid and the elementary source terms ctrl_grid = numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=nu+1)[:-1] ctrl_grid += 0.5 * ctrl_grid[1] src_expr = [source_term(x0) for x0 in ctrl_grid] # Assemble the linear forms corresponding to the elementary source terms and # construct the second half of the coefficient matrix b = [assemble(-f * v * dx) for f in src_expr] B = scipy.column_stack([v.array() for v in b]) # Construct the full coefficient matrix C = scipy.sparse.vstack([ scipy.sparse.hstack([matrix_to_coo(A), B]), scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(([1.0]*nu, ([0]*nu, [V.dim() + i for i in range(nu)])), shape=(1, V.dim() + nu)) ]) # Transfer the optimization constraints to CasADi C = casadi.DMatrix(C) lb = casadi.DMatrix.zeros(C.shape[0], 1) ub = casadi.DMatrix.zeros(C.shape[0], 1) lb[-1] = 0.0 ub[-1] = 5.0 lbx = numpy.array([-numpy.inf]*V.dim() + [0.0]*nu) ubx = numpy.array([ numpy.inf]*V.dim() + [1.0]*nu) # Define the objective functional and assemble it u = Function(V) J = (u_ref - u)**2 * dx dJdu = derivative(J, u) dJdu2 = derivative(dJdu, u) H = casadi.DMatrix(matrix_to_coo(assemble(dJdu2), shape=(V.dim() + nu, V.dim() + nu))) g = casadi.DMatrix(numpy.concatenate((assemble(dJdu).array(), [0.0]*nu))) c = assemble(J) # Build the CasADi NLP x = casadi.MX.sym('X', V.dim() + nu) nlp = casadi.MXFunction('nlp', casadi.nlpIn(x=x), casadi.nlpOut( f=0.5*casadi.quad_form(x, H) + casadi.inner_prod(g, x) + c, g=casadi.mul(C, x) )) # Build NLP solver solver = casadi.NlpSolver('solver', 'ipopt', nlp, { 'print_level': 0, 'print_time': False }) result = solve_bnb(solver, { 'lbx': lbx, 'ubx': ubx, 'lbg': lb, 'ubg': ub }, range(V.dim(), V.dim() + nu)) # Evaluate result print "" print "----------------------------" print " f = %g" % result['f'] u.vector()[:] = result['x'][:V.dim()].toArray()[:,0]
Node solutions are calculated using IPOPT (3.12, default settings, using linear solver MUMPS on Ubuntu 15.10 for x86-64 with Linux 4.2.0-19-generic, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 16 GB RAM). The objective function value is . The integer solution is found after processing 25 nodes.