Egerstedt standard problem

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Egerstedt standard problem
State dimension: 1
Differential states: 3
Discrete control functions: 3
Path constraints: 1
Interior point equalities: 3

The Egerstedt standard problemm is the problem is of an academic nature and was proposed by Egerestedt to highlight the features of an Hybrid System algorithm in 2006 [Egerstedt2006]Author: M. Egerstedt; Y. Wardi; H. Axelsson
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Pages: 110--115
Title: Transition-time optimization for switched-mode dynamical systems
Volume: 51
Year: 2006
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. It has been used since then in many MIOCP research studies (e.g. [Jung2013]Author: M. Jung; C. Kirches; S. Sager
Booktitle: Facets of Combinatorial Optimization -- Festschrift for Martin Gr\"otschel
Editor: M. J\"unger and G. Reinelt
Pages: 387--417
Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Title: On Perspective Functions and Vanishing Constraints in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimal Control
Year: 2013
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) for benchmarking of MIOCP algorithms.

Mathematical formulation

The mixed-integer optimal control problem after partial outer convexification is given by

 \displaystyle \min_{x, \omega} & x_3(t_f)   \\[1.5ex]
 & \dot{x}_1 & = & -x_1\omega_1 + (x_1+x_2)\omega_2+(x_1-x_2)\omega_3, \\
 & \dot{x}_2 & = & (x_1+2x_2)\omega_1+(x_1-2x_2)\omega_2+(x_1+x_2)\omega_3, \\
 & \dot{x}_3 & = & x_1^2+x_2^2,  \\[1.5ex]
 & x(0) &=& (0.5, 0.5, 0)^T, \\
 & \omega(t) &\in&  \{0, 1\}, \\
 & 1 &=& \sum\limits_{i=1}^3\omega_i(t). \\


These fixed values are used within the model.

[t_0, t_f] &=& [0, 12],\\
(c_0, c_1) &=& (0.4, 0.2).

Reference Solutions

If the problem is relaxed, i.e., we demand that w(t) be in the continuous interval [0, 1] instead of the binary choice \{0,1\}, the optimal solution can be determined by means of Pontryagins maximum principle. The optimal solution contains a singular arc, as can be seen in the plot of the optimal control. The two differential states and corresponding adjoint variables in the indirect approach are also displayed. A different approach to solving the relaxed problem is by using a direct method such as collocation or Bock's direct multiple shooting method. Optimal solutions for different control discretizations are also plotted in the leftmost figure.

The optimal objective value of this relaxed problem is x_2(t_f) = 1.34408. As follows from MIOC theory [Sager2011d]Author: S. Sager
How published: University of Heidelberg
Month: August
Note: Habilitation
Title: On the Integration of Optimization Approaches for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimal Control
Year: 2011
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this is the best lower bound on the optimal value of the original problem with the integer restriction on the control function. In other words, this objective value can be approximated arbitrarily close, if the control only switches often enough between 0 and 1. As no optimal solution exists, two suboptimal ones are shown, one with only two switches and an objective function value of x_2(t_f) = 1.38276, and one with 56 switches and x_2(t_f) = 1.34416.

Source Code

Model descriptions are available in


There are several alternative formulations and variants of the above problem, in particular

  • a prescribed time grid for the control function [Sager2006]Address: Heidelberg
    Author: S. Sager; H.G. Bock; M. Diehl; G. Reinelt; J.P. Schl\"oder
    Booktitle: Recent Advances in Optimization
    Editor: A. Seeger
    Note: ISBN 978-3-5402-8257-0
    Pages: 269--289
    Publisher: Springer
    Series: Lectures Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems
    Title: Numerical methods for optimal control with binary control functions applied to a Lotka-Volterra type fishing problem
    Volume: 563
    Year: 2009
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    , see also Lotka Volterra fishing problem (AMPL),
  • a time-optimal formulation to get into a steady-state [Sager2005]Address: Tönning, Lübeck, Marburg
    Author: S. Sager
    Editor: ISBN 3-89959-416-9
    Publisher: Der andere Verlag
    Title: Numerical methods for mixed--integer optimal control problems
    Year: 2005
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  • the usage of a different target steady-state, as the one corresponding to  w(t) = 1 which is (1 + c_1, 1 - c_0), see Lotka Volterra multi-arcs problem
  • different fishing control functions for the two species, see Lotka Volterra Multimode fishing problem
  • different parameters and start values.

Miscellaneous and Further Reading

The Lotka Volterra fishing problem was introduced by Sebastian Sager in a proceedings paper [Sager2006]Address: Heidelberg
Author: S. Sager; H.G. Bock; M. Diehl; G. Reinelt; J.P. Schl\"oder
Booktitle: Recent Advances in Optimization
Editor: A. Seeger
Note: ISBN 978-3-5402-8257-0
Pages: 269--289
Publisher: Springer
Series: Lectures Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems
Title: Numerical methods for optimal control with binary control functions applied to a Lotka-Volterra type fishing problem
Volume: 563
Year: 2009
Link to Google Scholar
and revisited in his PhD thesis [Sager2005]Address: Tönning, Lübeck, Marburg
Author: S. Sager
Editor: ISBN 3-89959-416-9
Publisher: Der andere Verlag
Title: Numerical methods for mixed--integer optimal control problems
Year: 2005
Link to Google Scholar
. These are also the references to look for more details.


[Egerstedt2006]M. Egerstedt; Y. Wardi; H. Axelsson (2006): Transition-time optimization for switched-mode dynamical systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 51, 110--115Link to Google Scholar
[Jung2013]M. Jung; C. Kirches; S. Sager (2013): On Perspective Functions and Vanishing Constraints in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimal Control. Facets of Combinatorial Optimization -- Festschrift for Martin Gr\"otschelLink to Google Scholar
[Sager2005]S. Sager (2005): Numerical methods for mixed--integer optimal control problems. (%edition%). Der andere Verlag, Tönning, Lübeck, Marburg, %pages%Link to Google Scholar
[Sager2006]S. Sager; H.G. Bock; M. Diehl; G. Reinelt; J.P. Schl\"oder (2009): Numerical methods for optimal control with binary control functions applied to a Lotka-Volterra type fishing problem. Springer, Recent Advances in OptimizationLink to Google Scholar
[Sager2011d]S. Sager: On the Integration of Optimization Approaches for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimal Control, 2011Link to Google Scholar

We present numerical results for a benchmark MIOCP from a previous study [157] with the addition of switching constraints. In its original form, the problem was:

After partial outer convexification with respect to the integer control v, the binary convexified counterpart problem reads