Egerstedt standard problem

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Egerstedt standard problem
State dimension: 1
Differential states: 3
Discrete control functions: 3
Path constraints: 1
Interior point equalities: 3

The Egerstedt standard problemm is the problem is of an academic nature and was proposed by Egerestedt to highlight the features of an Hybrid System algorithm in 2006 [Egerstedt2006]Author: M. Egerstedt; Y. Wardi; H. Axelsson
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Pages: 110--115
Title: Transition-time optimization for switched-mode dynamical systems
Volume: 51
Year: 2006
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. It has been used since then in many MIOCP research studies (e.g. [Jung2013]Author: M. Jung; C. Kirches; S. Sager
Booktitle: Facets of Combinatorial Optimization -- Festschrift for Martin Gr\"otschel
Editor: M. J\"unger and G. Reinelt
Pages: 387--417
Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Title: On Perspective Functions and Vanishing Constraints in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimal Control
Year: 2013
Link to Google Scholar
) for benchmarking of MIOCP algorithms.

Mathematical formulation

The mixed-integer optimal control problem after partial outer convexification is given by

 \displaystyle \min_{x, \omega} & x_3(t_f)   \\[1.5ex]
 & \dot{x}_1 & = & -x_1\omega_1 + (x_1+x_2)\omega_2+(x_1-x_2)\omega_3, \\
 & \dot{x}_2 & = & (x_1+2x_2)\omega_1+(x_1-2x_2)\omega_2+(x_1+x_2)\omega_3, \\
 & \dot{x}_3 & = & x_1^2+x_2^2,  \\[1.5ex]
 & x(0) &=& (0.5, 0.5, 0)^T, \\
 & x_2(t) & \geq & 0.4, \\
 & 1 &=& \sum\limits_{i=1}^3\omega_i(t), \\
 & \omega(t) &\in&  \{0, 1\}, 

for t \in [t_0, t_f]=[0,1] .

Reference Solutions

If the problem is relaxed, i.e., we demand that w(t) be in the continuous interval [0, 1] instead of the binary choice \{0,1\}, the optimal solution can be determined by using a direct method such as collocation or Bock's direct multiple shooting method.

The optimal objective value of the relaxed problem with  n_t=6000, \, n_u=40  is x_3(t_f)=1.0.995906234. The objective value of the binary controls obtained by Combinatorial Integral Approimation (CIA) is x_3(t_f) =3.20831942. The binary control solution was evaluated in the MIOCP by using a Merit function with additional Lagrange term  100 \max\limits_{t\in[0,1]}\{0,0.4-x_2(t)\}  .

Source Code

Model descriptions are available in


There are several alternative formulations and variants of the above problem, in particular

  • a prescribed time grid for the control function [Sager2006]Address: Heidelberg
    Author: S. Sager; H.G. Bock; M. Diehl; G. Reinelt; J.P. Schl\"oder
    Booktitle: Recent Advances in Optimization
    Editor: A. Seeger
    Note: ISBN 978-3-5402-8257-0
    Pages: 269--289
    Publisher: Springer
    Series: Lectures Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems
    Title: Numerical methods for optimal control with binary control functions applied to a Lotka-Volterra type fishing problem
    Volume: 563
    Year: 2009
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    , see also Lotka Volterra fishing problem (AMPL),
  • a time-optimal formulation to get into a steady-state [Sager2005]Address: Tönning, Lübeck, Marburg
    Author: S. Sager
    Editor: ISBN 3-89959-416-9
    Publisher: Der andere Verlag
    Title: Numerical methods for mixed--integer optimal control problems
    Year: 2005
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  • the usage of a different target steady-state, as the one corresponding to  w(t) = 1 which is (1 + c_1, 1 - c_0), see Lotka Volterra multi-arcs problem
  • different fishing control functions for the two species, see Lotka Volterra Multimode fishing problem
  • different parameters and start values.

Miscellaneous and Further Reading

The Lotka Volterra fishing problem was introduced by Sebastian Sager in a proceedings paper [Sager2006]Address: Heidelberg
Author: S. Sager; H.G. Bock; M. Diehl; G. Reinelt; J.P. Schl\"oder
Booktitle: Recent Advances in Optimization
Editor: A. Seeger
Note: ISBN 978-3-5402-8257-0
Pages: 269--289
Publisher: Springer
Series: Lectures Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems
Title: Numerical methods for optimal control with binary control functions applied to a Lotka-Volterra type fishing problem
Volume: 563
Year: 2009
Link to Google Scholar
and revisited in his PhD thesis [Sager2005]Address: Tönning, Lübeck, Marburg
Author: S. Sager
Editor: ISBN 3-89959-416-9
Publisher: Der andere Verlag
Title: Numerical methods for mixed--integer optimal control problems
Year: 2005
Link to Google Scholar
. These are also the references to look for more details.


[Egerstedt2006]M. Egerstedt; Y. Wardi; H. Axelsson (2006): Transition-time optimization for switched-mode dynamical systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 51, 110--115Link to Google Scholar
[Jung2013]M. Jung; C. Kirches; S. Sager (2013): On Perspective Functions and Vanishing Constraints in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimal Control. Facets of Combinatorial Optimization -- Festschrift for Martin Gr\"otschelLink to Google Scholar
[Sager2005]S. Sager (2005): Numerical methods for mixed--integer optimal control problems. (%edition%). Der andere Verlag, Tönning, Lübeck, Marburg, %pages%Link to Google Scholar
[Sager2006]S. Sager; H.G. Bock; M. Diehl; G. Reinelt; J.P. Schl\"oder (2009): Numerical methods for optimal control with binary control functions applied to a Lotka-Volterra type fishing problem. Springer, Recent Advances in OptimizationLink to Google Scholar

We present numerical results for a benchmark MIOCP from a previous study [157] with the addition of switching constraints. In its original form, the problem was:

After partial outer convexification with respect to the integer control v, the binary convexified counterpart problem reads